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Tinostamustine and Nivolumab in Advanced Melanoma



März 2019

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):


Erwachsene (18+)

Phase 1

Markus Joerger



Markus Joerger, Prof.
Study Chair
Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland


(2 von 2)

Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen
9007 St.Gallen
SwitzerlandRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Elke Hiendlmeyer, Dr.
Phone: 714941111
Phone (ext.): +41

Christina Jodlauk
Phone: 714941111
Phone (ext.): +41
» Ansprechpartner anzeigen


Detailed Description:

Despite improvement of systemic treatment in patients with advanced melanoma, there is still

unmet medical need in this group of patients. Tinostamustine is a medication without

marketing authorization, while Nivolumab is approved for several tumor entities. The primary

objective of this trial is to assesses the safety, tolerability and recommended dose of

Tinostamustine in combination with Nivolumab in patients with advanced melanoma.Secondary

objectives of this trial in patients with advanced solid tumors are to assess the preliminary

efficacy of Tinostamustine when given in combination with Nivolumab and to characterize

potential predictive biomarkers of the combination treatment of Tinostamustine and Nivolumab.

The trial includeds patients with either histologically or cytologically confirmed inoperable

stage III or metastatic stage IV melanoma with an indication for the regular systemic

treatment with Nivolumab and a maximum of 1 prior systemic palliative line of treatment.


Inclusion Criteria:

- Written informed consent

- Patients with either histologically or cytologically confirmed inoperable stage III or

metastatic stage IV melanoma

- Indication for the regular systemic treatment with the anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody

Nivolumab monotherapy

- Patient received a maximum of 1 prior systemic palliative line of treatment

- ECOG ≤2

- Patients with brain metastases must have undergone definitive treatment (surgery or

radiotherapy) at least 2 weeks prior to starting study drug and be documented as

having stable disease by imaging

- Adequate bone marrow, renal and hepatic function

- Adequate contraception

Exclusion Criteria:

- Prior treatment with a PD-(L)1 targeted monoclonal antibody

- Patients who have received systemic treatments or radiotherapy within 2 weeks prior to

starting study drug

- Concomittant treatment with systemic steroids at a daily dose equivalent to ≥10mg of

prednisone, or concomittant treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as


- Patients with a prior malignancy are excluded (except non-melanoma skin cancers, and

in situ cancers such as the following: bladder, colon,cervical/dysplasia, melanoma, or

breast). Patients with other second malignancies diagnosed more than 2 years ago who

have received therapy with curative intent with no evidence of disease during the

interval who are considered by the Investigator to present a low risk for recurrence

will be eligible.

- NYHA stage III/IV congestive heart failure and/or arrhythmia not adequately controlled

- QTc interval (Fridericia's formula) > 450msec

- Patients who are on treatment with drugs known to prolong the QT/QTc interval

(Credible Meds list:

Known risk of TdP.

- Pregnant and breast feeding patients


Primary outcome:

1. Safety and dose-limiting toxicity (Time Frame - at 6 weeks):
Dose limiting toxicity defined as any of the following AEs (according to CTCAE v 4.03) occurring during the first 42 days of study treatment for each study patient of the safety part of the trial, and regarded to be related (possibly, probably or definitely) to Tinostamustine: CTC °4 neutropenia during ≥ 5 days Febrile neutropenia CTC °4 thrombocytopenia or CTC° 3 thrombocytopenia with bleeding Any other ≥ CTC °4 hematological AE ≥ CTC °3 AST or ALT elevations for >7 days, or CTC °4 AST/ALT elevations for any duration ≥ CTC °3 nausea, vomiting or diarrhea despite appropriate pre-medication Any other ≥ CTC °3 non-hematological study-treatment-related AE, excluding alopecia ≥ CTC °3 uveitis, pneumonitis, bronchospasm, neurological toxicity, hypersensi-tivity reactions or infusion reactions that result in discontinuation of study treat-ment Any study treatment-related AE that results in a delay of the administration of Tinostamustine of at least 4 weeks

Secondary outcome:

1. Overall safety profile of the tinostamustine/nivolumab drug combination (Time Frame - during a maximum 2 years of study treatment plus 100 days thereafter (3 years)):
All adverse events (AE) including laboratory safety parameters according to CTCAE v.4.03

2. Radiological response (Time Frame - every 8 weeks until progressive disease or end of study (5 years)):
Objective tumor response according to RECIST 1.1 and iRECIST

3. Progression-free survival (Time Frame - through study completion (5 years)):
Progression-free survival (PFS, iPFS), defined as the time between registration to the study and the time of disease progression according to RECIST v.1.1 and iRECIST or death of the patient, whatever occurs first

4. Overall survival (Time Frame - through study completion (5 years)):
Overall survival (OS) from registration of study participation

Geprüfte Regime

  • Tinostamustine (Nivolumab):
    First-in-human administration of the combination of Tinostamustine and Nivolumab.


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