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Impact of Selective Radiation Dose Escalation and Tumour Hypoxia Status on Locoregional Tumour Control After Radiochemotherapy of HNT



Juli 2015

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Head and Neck Neoplasms, Hypoxia


Erwachsene (18+)

Phase 3

Technische Universität München



Steffi U. Pigorsch, Dr. med.
Principal Investigator
Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radiologische Onkologie, Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München Ismaningerstr. 22; 81675 Munich, Germany


(1 von 1)

Klinik für RadioOnkologie Strahlentherapie
81675 Munich
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Steffi U. Pigorsch, Dr. med.
Phone: +49 (0)89-4140
Phone (ext.): -5611

Sabine Barta, Dr.
Phone: +49 (0)89-4140
Phone (ext.): 7787
» Ansprechpartner anzeigen


Detailed Description:

The pre-study with sequential design is a prospective multicentre interventional pilot study to assess toxicity of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) plus Cisplatin of head and neck cancers

The main study is a multicenter phase III randomized trial on the effect of dose escalated radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy to treat local advanced head and neck cancer. The study compares two treatment arms:

Experimental intervention (group A): 7 weeks standard radio-chemotherapy with 20 mg/m²/d Cisplatin in week 1 and 5 including simultaneous radiation dose escalation (5x2.3 Gy per week up to 80.5 Gy total dose) to the primary tumour and involved neck nodes ≥ 2 cm.

The Dose Escalated tumour Volume (DEVPT) is defined by the macroscopic (Gross) primary Tumour Volume (GTVPT) minus a 3 mm margin at organs at risk or at mucosal sites to reduce the risk of high dose deposition at the surrounding normal tissue. All involved lymph nodes visualized by CT with a minimal diameter of 2 cm are also included for dose escalation (DEVLN). The DEVLN of the lymph nodes > 2 cm is determined by the involved lymph node volume (GTVLN) minus a margin of 3 mm at organs at risk or mucosal sites. The 3 mm margin as well as the part of the target volume with suspected microscopic tumor extension receives 2 Gy per fraction.

Control intervention (group B): 7 weeks standard radio-chemotherapy with 5x2.0 Gy per week up to a total dose of 70 Gy and 20 mg/m²/d Cisplatin in week 1 and 5.

In group A and B: The treatment of the elective cervical lymphatic areas is given in the same session as the GTV but with a single dose of 1.6 Gy up to 56 Gy (so called simultaneous integrated boost concept).


Inclusion Criteria:

- Signed written informed consent

- Age ≥ 18 ≤ 70 years

- Independent of gender

- Independent of race

- ECOG 0 - 2

- Tumor of oral cavity, oropharynx or hypopharynx

- Histology: squamous cell carcinoma

- Curative treatment intended

- Tumor is classified as irresectable (see Appendix)

- Woman of child-bearing age: negative pregnancy test in serum

- Contraception in male and female patients and their partners if of childbearing potential, willingness to use effective contraceptive method for the study duration and 2 months post therapy

- Sufficient bone marrow reserves during 7 days before study inclusion; (leukocytes ≥ 4 x 109/l, absolute no. of neutrophiles (ANC) ≥ 2 x 109/; thrombocyte count ≥ 100 x 109/l; Hemoglobin ≥ 10g/dl)

- adequate liver function during 7 days before study inclusion (total bilirubine ≤ 2,5 x ULN (upper limit of normal), ASAT/ ALAT ≤ 2,5 x ULN, alkaline phosphatase ≤ 2,5 x ULN of the institution's normal value)

- adequate kidney function during 7 days before study inclusion; serum creatinine ≤ 130 μmol/l; creatinine clearance ≥ 70 ml/min

- all patients should have a dental examination before starting therapy and when necessary be treated, adaptation of a teeth protection bar

- a percutane feeding tube should be applied before start of treatment

Exclusion Criteria:

- Infiltration of the mandible and / or larynx

- impaired renal and/ or liver function

- secondary malignancy, unknown primary cancer, nasopharynx cancer or salivary gland cancers

- Metastatic disease

- Another cancer within 5 years of study entry

- Serious concomitant disease or medical condition

- Pregnancy or lactation

- Women of child-bearing potential with unclear contraception (post menopausal women must have been amenorrheal for at least 12 months to be considered of non-childbearing potential)

- previous treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery in head and neck (except an excisional biopsy or biopsy for histology)

- concurrent treatment with other experimental drugs or participation in another clinical trial with any investigational drug within 30 days prior to study screening

- life expectancy of < 12 months

- contraindications to receive Cisplatin

- social situations that limit compliance with study requirements


Primary outcome:

1. 2 year-loco-regional control (Time Frame - 2 years)

Secondary outcome:

1. Overall Survival (OS) (Time Frame - 2 years)

2. Progression-free survival (PFS) (Time Frame - 2 years)

3. Time to progression (TTP) (Time Frame - 5 years)

4. Distant metastases (DM) (Time Frame - 2 years)

5. Acute and late toxicity esp. concerning salivary glands (Time Frame - 5 years)

6. Quality of life (EORTC QoL-C30, H&N 35) (Time Frame - 2 years)

7. Adverse effects according to NCI CTC-AE (VERSION 4.0/ 10/1/2010) and LENT-SOMA (Time Frame - 2 years)

8. FMISO PET/CT: Reproducibility and correlation with treatment coutcome (Time Frame - 2 years)

9. Relapse free Survival (RFS) (Time Frame - 2 years)


  • Experimental: A - experimental
    7 weeks Radiotherapy Intervention with with 5x2.3 Gy per week up to a total dose of 80.5 Gy and parallel chemotherapy of 20 mg/m²/d Cisplatin in week 1 and 5.
  • Active Comparator: B - control
    7 weeks Radiotherapy Intervention with 5x2.0 Gy per week up to a total dose of 70 Gy and parallel chemotherapy of 20 mg/m²/d Cisplatin in week 1 and 5.

Geprüfte Regime

  • Radiotherapy (IMRT-SIB):
    7 weeks Radiation dose escalation (5 x 2.3 Gy up to 80.5 Gy total dose)


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"Impact of Selective Radiation Dose Escalation and Tumour Hypoxia Status on Locoregional Tumour Control After Radiochemotherapy of HNT"

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