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Novel Form of Nutritional Supplementation in Cancer Patients



Mai 2018

Letztes Update:


Indikation (Clinical Trials):
Malnutrition, Cachexia, Wasting Syndrome


Erwachsene (18+)


University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medical School


(1 von 1)

Department of Medicine 1, Hector Center for Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
91052 Erlangen
GermanyRekrutierend» Google-Maps
Yurdaguel Zopf, Prof. Dr. med.
Phone: +49 9131 85-45218

Hans Joachim Herrmann, Dr. oec. troph.
Phone: +49 9131 85-45017
» Ansprechpartner anzeigen


Brief Summary:

This study evaluates if a novel form of oral nutritional Supplement application in the form of gumdrops may serve as an alternative to common sip Feeds in cancer patients with high risk for malnutrition. Within this context the Impact of these two different supplements on General condition, Quality of life, muscle function, Body composition, Appetite and Nutrition Status are investigated. Patients are randomly allocated either to a study group with oral Supplementation in the form of sip feed or to a study Group receiving gumdrops for 4 weeks. After a washout period of 5-7 days study Groups are switched for another 4 week Intervention period.


Inclusion Criteria:

- adult patients with solid and hematological malignancies

- BMI < 20 kg/m² and/or NRS-2002 Score ≥ 3

Exclusion Criteria:

- pregnant or nursing women

- persons with psychiatric disorders with doubts about legal and cognitive capacity

- participation in nutritional Intervention Trials within the last 4 weeks


Primary outcome:

1. Compliance (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
compliance of nutritional supplement intake assessed by Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS-D); Total score ranges from 0-10 with a higher score indicating better adherence

2. Tolerance of the form of oral supplementation (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
assessment of hedonic and sensoric estimation of oral supplements by questionnaire

Secondary outcome:

1. Body weight (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Body weight assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (in kg)

2. Body composition (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Skeletal muscle mass, Fat mass assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (in kg)

3. Physical function - Isometric muscle strength (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Hand grip strength assessed by hand dynamometer (in kg)

4. Physical function - Lower limb strength (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
30 second sit-to-stand test (number of sit-to-stand cycles)

5. Physical function - Endurance (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Six-minute-walk test (walking distance in m)

6. Patient-reported performance status (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
ECOG performance status/Karnofsky index

7. subjective Physical activity (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Physical activity Level assessed by International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)

8. objective Physical activity (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
Physical activity Level assessed by pedometer

9. Patient-reported Quality of Life (QoL) (Time Frame - 4 weeks):
EORTC QLQ - C30 questionnaire


  • Active Comparator: Study group 1
    normal Nutrition + sip feed (covers individual energy and nutrient demands)
  • Experimental: Study group 2
    normal Nutrition + gumdrops (covers individual energy and nutrient demands)

Geprüfte Regime

  • sip feed:
    normal oral Nutrition + sip feed (Fresubin2.0®; covers individual energy and nutrient demands; high in protein)
  • gumdrops:
    normal oral Nutrition + gumdrops (Nutrimed®; covers individual energy and nutrient demands; high in protein)


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